Wednesday, December 14, 2011

December Newsletter

Happy Holidays everyone! This month we keep everything short and sweet to make room for spending time with family and friends this holiday season. We are looking forward to our pack's holiday party this week, which is going to be a great time! To get into the mood, check out this month's pack newsletter!

Also, don't forget that we will be participating in the Safety Harbor holiday parade on Saturday. If you have extra strings of beads we can throw to the spectators, please bring them! We need everyone to show up looking their best in full uniform. We will be gathering at the Safety Harbor Marina at 12:30 pm. See you then!

Saturday, December 10, 2011


by Bonnie Wurtz, Pack 43 Cubmaster

About a week prior to the Thanksgiving Holiday, my son Aiden and I were walking in the mall. Not really wanting to be there, I was in such a rush to get what I needed from one of the shops and get out quickly.
As we were walking through the crowd of people, my son started pulling on my arm. “MOMMY LOOK !! MOMMY LOOK !!”

I didn’t want to stop and see what had caught his attention, because I was focused on one thing. (Get what I wanted and GET OUT), I never even looked up, I said… “NO Aiden,” we've got to go.

“BUT MOMMY LOOK!!”  and he again pulled on my arm.

By this time I was getting frustrated with him, because he was pulling me in the opposite direction I wanted to go.  What could be SO important?  Once again I said NO and we continued on our “mission” “But Mommy ITS HIM !”

That’s when I stopped and looked over to where he was pointing. There, in the middle of the busy mall, stood a jolly looking man dressed in a red t-shirt and khaki shorts with flip flops. Knowing my son had just mistaken him for Santa Claus, the nice man just turned and look at my son and waved.

The look in my son’s eyes at that moment will forever be in my heart.

Being the brave little man he is, Aiden went over to this gentleman (with me close behind) and started talking to him as if he was the JOLLY OLD ELF himself.

I just smiled at the nice man and thanked him for taking the time out of his busy day to make my son's day.
This “Santa” stood there for the better half of 20 minutes talking with my son, about everything from LEGOS, to asking him how he lost his tooth. And my son thought he had the ‘411’ on Santa,
As we walked away, my heart smiled. I couldn’t believe that a total stranger would take the time out of his day to talk to a little 4 Year old boy who thought he was Santa….

I walked away believing that there are kind people left in this world.

I walked away believing in people again.

I walked away believing that sometimes that the little things DO matter,if you just stop and look around.
I guess you can say I walked away BELIEVEING.

So as you’re rushing around with all the hustle and bustle of this holiday season, take a minute to look up, to see all the wonders around us, and do something nice.

Something as small as just smiling at a stranger, wishing them a happy holiday, holding a door open for someone who needs an extra hand, lend an ear to someone that just wants to talk, Drop that extra change in the Salvation Army Bell Ringer pot, or just “do a good turn daily.”

You never know how much those little things will make a difference, and you might just be surprised at the positive impact it makes on someone else.

The Holiday spirit is in all of us, if you JUST BELIEVE.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

SCOUT STORIES: My Day at the Tiger Growl

 by Caleb Merrifield, Tiger Cub

For those who haven't heard of it before, the Tiger Growl is a yearly event that is exclusively for our new Tiger scouts and their parent partners. This event gives the Tigers a chance to learn some of the principals of Cub Scouts wrapped in a wild, fun, informative day. This year, two of our Tiger cubs, Daniel Martin and Caleb Merrifield attended the Tiger Growl. This is Caleb's account of the day:

First We had to get our color flag, and me and my mom were yellow.

There were lots of games. We played a squirting game where you get blindfolded and you have a bottle filled with water that squirts, and if you hear the bells you squirt people. We also played a game where you dump water into a water tank and try to make a golf ball go up to the top. Then we played Over/Under where you pass a cup full of water over and under and the first team to fill up a bucket wins, but if it knocks over you have to do it all over again.

Then we had a scavenger hunt where you had to find lots of stuff - like 10 things! Like, gotta find a person in the military... someone from Maryland... a Girlscout... That's all I can remember.

We also had lunch there, We ate hamburgers and hotdogs with some chips.

And that's all we did.

Oh we also slinged dog food at aliens with sling shots.

I had a really good time with my mom at Tiger Growl.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Pack 43 Newsletter: November 2011

What a great pack meeting tonight!! Every den demonstrated a new skill or project they worked on in the past month - the Tigers talked about the Tiger Growl, the Wolves showed off their new den flag, the Bears recited  their Bobcat badge requirements, the Webelos 1 showed their stretcher making skills, and the Webelos 2 talked about what they have learned about managing family finances and showed off their family tree charts.

We also talked about the origins and the importance of Veterans day. The boys worked together on a poster to tell our veterans "Thank You for Our Freedom". The boys gave a Cub Scout Salute with the poster, and we took pictures, which we have posted on our website, and on The WWII Museum's million thanks page. We will also be presenting our poster to the Safety Harbor American Legion on Veterans Day.

Our newsletter this month expands upon the themes of the month and gives you all the news and information about Pack 43! Read all about it in our November Newsletter!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Pack 43 Fall Fundraiser

Pack 43 is holding a Fall fundraiser! After the popularity of the candle fundraiser earlier this year, we have decided to make this our next fundraising effort. Not only will we have the same amazingly delicious smelling candles to sell, we have increased the items we will be offering to a lot more than just candles!

We need your help to help the pack go! Send your out of state friends and family to this website so they can view the catalogue of offerings online to choose what they wish to order. Best of all, your gifts will arrive in plenty of time to include them in your holiday packages!

Click any of the images below to zoom in:





Thursday, October 13, 2011

Are you Ready for Coastal Cleanup?

Coastal Cleanup is this Saturday! This is one of the most important events of the year in terms of impact to the community and learning about things like conservation, environmentalism and preservation. Coastal Cleanup contributes to a large number of skill and achievements you can earn toward your den badge, arrow points, elective belt loops and pins, and prestigious Cub Scouting awards. It only happens once a year, so you definitely don't want to miss it! Plus it's loads of fun!!

Meet us at 8:00am at the Safety Harbor Marina

View Larger Map

Here's what you will earn simply by participating in Coastal Cleanup:

Available to ALL Scouts
Cub Scout World Conservation Award - Step 4
Leave No Trace - Step 1, 2 (partial), 4
Outdoor Activity - Step 1, 3, 5, 6, 13

Sports & Academics
Citizenship Belt Loop - Step 3
Citizenship Pin - Step 9
Wildlife Conservation Belt Loop - Step 1
Wildlife Conservation Pin - Step 8, 9
Hiking Belt Loop - Steps 1,2, 3 (All requirements!)

Tiger Cubs
Let's Go Outdoors - Step 5G
Cleanup Treasure Hunt - Step A

Wolf Den
Your Living World - Step 7b, 7d
Lets Go Camping - Step 23d

Bear Den
Take Care of Your Planet - Step 6g
Family Outdoor Adventures - Step 12b, 12d
Water and Soil Conservation - Step 15e
Let's Go Camping - Step 25b

Webelos 1&2
Family Member - Step 13
Naturalist - Step 11,12
Outdoorsman - Step 5, 6, 9

October 2011 Pack Newsletter

So much was covered in this month's Pack Meeting, that it's hard to keep track of everything! Never fear! We've taken the time to write down everything you need to know about the events coming up in the next month, the status of the pack and den, and included a special article written by one of our very own cub scouts about what he's learned from scouting.

Read All About it here!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

SCOUT STORIES: Making a Difference in Cub Scouts

 by Jonathan Allen, WEBELOS 2

These are all things I’ve learned while being in Cub scouts. You start in Cub scouts as a Tiger Cub, and then you move to being a Wolf Cub. After that, you move into the Bear den. Later you become a Webelos one and two. In Webelos one you start training to become a Boy Scout.

I have earned many badges; beginning with the Bobcat badge. My uniform displays most of my awards such as traveler, naturalist, athlete, fitness, and citizen. I am currently working on my Webelos badge as I train to become a Boy Scout.

Boy Scouts have been around for 100 years. A scout is Trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent. This is known as the Scout Law. These traits have been passed down through the years.

Scouts are known for helping the community.

Last fall I participated in Scouting For Food. My pack and I collected food from neighbors and gave them to a food pantry. This is a program that feeds people when they need help.

Scouting also has a Leave No Trace awareness campaign. This reminds everyone not to litter or leave behind any trash or trace.

I honor the phrase “to do my duty to God and my country” by learning about and respecting the American flag. I learned how to display, carry and fold the flag.  My pack also helped a local group properly retire old flags.

I love helping the community and making a difference.

I love being a part of Cub scouts, and you could join too!!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Soda Bottle Rocket Picnic

Thanks to everyone who joined us on October 1st to blast off Cub Scouting for the year! We lierally had a blast - shooting soda bottle rockets into the air. The scouts did a wonderful job designing their rockets with their own individual styles. Congratulations to Webelos 1 Matthew Walby, who won the award for the best design! We also judged the soda bottle rockets for the farthest distance shot. Little Ethan Coogan of the Tigers won it hands down with his long distance rocket launch.

The picnic potluck was also fabulous! Thanks to Mr Justin and Mr Wayne who slaved over the hot barbeque to provide us with some great meats. We also had a lot of great eats as our pack parents brought out their best recipes to share with the pack. Mmmm I am hungry again just thinking about it!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Join Scouting Nights

The 2011-2012 school year has begun, and with it comes the beginning of the year for Cub Scouts! We now have the dates for Join Scouting Night!

This event kicks off the season for Cub Scouting. We'll have the signup forms for new scouts there, and will be discussing the events that we will be doing throughout the year. There will be activities and games for the boys to get them going in Cub Scouts. This is also when Den Leaders will be appointed.

We have two events scheduled - First at Eisenhower Elementary on Tuesday, September 20th from 7 to 8pm, and second at Safety Harbor Elementary on Tuesday, September 22nd from 7 to 8pm. Please show up with your Cub Scout in uniform to help GROW OUR PACK!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Independence Day Parade!

We are getting close to the beginning of the month and the Safety Harbor July Fourth parade! Remember that all the boys need to be in uniform.

This is a letter we received from the parade chairman:

It's close to show time! I want to thank EVERYONE who has so graciously volunteered to participate in this year's Parade. Attached is the line-up for your group. Please be there as close to 9:00 AM as possible. And, it is VERY important that you are in the correct order - we have a sound system and spokesperson to announce your group. There will be Auxiliary members at each group to help you should you have problems.

If you have vehicles (not in parade) to be parked, there is limited parking at Post 238 - 900 Main Street. There is also parking for large vehicles at the Safety Harbor Marina (on Bayshore drive) and the SH Library (on 2nd).

It will be HOT - so dress accordingly and bring plenty of fluids so no one is dehydrated.

If you are handing items to the parade watchers, please be sure to keep moving along (so as not to hold up the parade) and stay to one side of the road. Do Not criss-cross along the route - someone may get hurt!

Parents, read more about the line-up here

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Cub Scouts Attend Summer Day Camp 2011

The first week of Summer Camp for Pack 43 Cub Scouts is officially over. Thanks SO MUCH to Ms. Bonnie for volunteering as our boys' den leader, and pulling off a fabulous week of fun and achievements for our boys!

Here are our boys the first day, doing the flag ceremony

Some of our boys at the archery range

There are plenty more photos of this event for your enjoyment over in the photo gallery!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Cub Scouts Honor the Flag on Memorial Day

Pack 43 joined Troop 43 in honoring fallen soldiers and the American flag at the 2011 Memorial day ceremony held by the VFW Post 10093 in Safety harbor. The boys stood at attention and joined in the flag retirement ceremony for dozens of flags while the veterans and other celebrants watched on.

More pictures are posted on the website. Check them out in the Photo Gallery!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Den Graduation and Crossing Over Celebration

On May 15th, Pack 43 celebrated our annual Den Graduation and Crossing Over ceremony. All of our boys worked so hard this year, many of them having earned their den patch at the ceremony. The day of the ceremony was beautiful - sunny but not too hot. The boys marched up to the top of the Indian mound at Phillipe Park, where we held the ceremony. The ceremony was amazing!

Even the picnic afterward was awesome! Thanks so much to Mister Tim for the delicious barbeque, and thanks to all of the parents of Pack 43 for your incredible generosity - we had so much food!!

The pack presented Ms Bonnie with the pack flag, to honor her for all of her hard work to make the pack grow!

We have more pictures of the event for you to see (and download!) in the photo gallery! Check it out today!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Pack 43 Newsletter: May

Our May Newsletter is available for viewing online or downloading here.

This month we wish a proud farewell to our 6 Webelos 2 who are graduating to Boy Scouts, 3 of whom are going with their prestigious Arrow of Light award that they can proudly display into adulthood! Each boy wrote about what they learned from Cub Scouts, and what they will miss.

We also have Den reports, a heartfelt message from Cubmaster Bonnie, and an introduction to Geocaching, the high tech treasure hunting game! This month's newsletter is chock full of goodness. Don't miss out, click the link above to download it now!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Discover Florida!

The Safety Harbor Discover Florida event is designed to be fun and educational to our local families. This event promotes local, natural attractions. Some of the exhibitors that will be at the event are the Shark Man, Brooker Creek Nature Reserve, Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission, Pathfinders & more!  There will also be goody bags for the first 50 kids. An afternoon of lots of fun & games!  Oh, it is also FREE!

Visit the Marshall Street Park in Safety harbor on Friday, May 20 from 4 to 7pm to experience this fun event!

View the Flyer

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Rent-A-Scout Program!

Rent-A-Scout is a new program started by Safety Harbor's Cub Scout Pack 43 in an effort to give back to the members of the Safety Harbor community and help earn some money to support the continuation of the pack.

Cub Scouts are taught to 'Do Your Best' in everything that they do, and a big part of the Cub Scouting program is teaching young boys to contribute in a meaningful way to their community.

Help us teach our scouts how to do a good turn for their community and in return, you can finally get that job done that you've been meaning to do!

No job is too small!

There is no charge for jobs the scouts do for you, although we do ask for donations to help keep the pack going if you feel the job was well done.

Contact us today to request the services of our cub scouts. We will schedule a day with you and bring over 2 to 5 scouts (depending on the size of the job), along with their adult supervisors.

Pack 43 has been a cornerstone of the Safety Harbor community for more than 50 years. Please help support Safety Harbor's longest running Cub Scout pack!

Rent a scout today!
Cubmaster Bonnie Wurtz
(727) 953-0343

Click Here to Download the Flyer

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Pack 43 Newsletter: April

Our April Newsletter is available for viewing online or downloading here.

This month, Quest Gill (Webelos 1) gets us excited about Earth Day with his review of the 2011 Tampa Bay Eco Expo, while Hunter Wurtz (Webelos 1) tells us about his experiences at the Crystal River Civil War re-enactment. We also have updates on all of the dens, the monthly calendar, a history of Grapefruit, important fund raising info and more!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Like us on Facebook!

Pack 43 is now on Facebook! Please take a minute to like our new Facebook page! You can check out the latest tidbits, photos, comments and more. We look forward to seeing you there!

Also, we've added a brand new subscription feature to the website, which you can find on the right hand side column, under the heading Subscribe via Email ----->

To get an email every time a new post gets added to Pack 43's website, simply type your email address into the Email Address field, and press Submit. You will receive a confirmation email, and then you are all set!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Early Bird Registration for Summer Camp!

Cub Scout Day Camp is the highlight event of the summer for your Cub Scouts. Scouts who attend camp will get the opportunity to meet new friends, learn more about the Scouting program, participate in all kinds of games and sports, arts and crafts and will learn how to safely use a bow and arrow or BB gun.

The West Central Florida Council offers four weeks of day camp and 1 week of Twilight Camp as follows:
Week 1: June 6-10 Frances Avenue Park New Port Richey
Week 2: June 13-17 Camp Soule, Clearwater
Week 3: June 20-24 Camp Soule, Clearwater
Week 4: June 27-July 1 Camp Soule, Clearwater
Week 5: July 5-8 Twilight Camp; Camp Soule, Clearwater
The council requires one FULL-TIME (5 days) adult volunteer for every 5 Cub Scouts we register for Day Camp. Ms Bonnie will be a Camp Councilor the week of June 13th-17th, as well as Twilight Camp. This does not include Tiger Cubs, who require an adult partner per Tiger Cub. (Current Tiger Cubs are considered Wolves for Day Camp. This applies to incoming Tiger Cubs for the 2011/2012 school year.)

The deadline to get the early bird discount of $70 for the entire week of day camp and $55 for Twilight camp is Monday, April 25th. In addition to this being a great week of learning and achievement for your scout, it is one of the cheapest prices you will pay for summer care!

We have to register as a pack, so download the forms below and bring your completed forms, along with a check for the cost of the camp to this month's pack meeting!

Camper Application for Day Camp
Camper Application for Twilight Camp
Adult Volunteer Application
Medical Form (Required for ALL)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Safety Harbor Grapefruit Festival

Dear Pack 43:

On Saturday April 16th Pack 43 will be participating in the Safety Harbor Grapefruit Legacy Festival held on Main Street in Safety Harbor. As one of our Fundraiser efforts we will have a booth set up where our Cub Scouts will be selling Sodas and Water for a dollar.

This is a great opportunity for us to earn some much needed funds for our pack. Please see below for the sign up sheet, and take a few minutes to sign your scout up to Volunteer. Adult Volunteers are also needed as well. SO PLEASE "HELP THE PACK GROW" and come out to support our pack.

Please let me know what time you are able to help out, I need at least 2 scouts per hour to cover the shifts, if you are able to help out longer, that would be great!.

  • 4:30-5:30.... Spencer Keller ( W2) , Jonathan S (T) Hunter Wurtz (W1)
    (Set-up Time starts at 4:30) (Tim Wurtz To help Set up)
  • 5:30=6:30... Mikey Meadowcroft ( T ) Joshua Isaac (W2) Liam King (T) Brett R. (W2)
  • 6:30-7:30... Quest Gill (W1) & Logan S (W1)
  • 7:30-8:30.. Marcus Drennen (B)
  • 8:30-9:30 Marcus Drennen (B)
  • 9:30-10:00 Hunter Wurtz ( W1), Spencer Keller (W2) (Break Down @ 10:00)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Photos Needed

We are in the process of Putting together a surprise for our CrossOver/Den Graduation. Scheduled for May 15th If you have any Current Photos of your scout at a Den/Pack event from this pass year, and would like to add it. Please email me at -Bonnie

Wednesday, March 30, 2011



Please remember that Sunday April 3rd is the last day that achievements can be entered into Scout Tracks in order for your son to receive his awards at the Next Scout meeting, Anything entered after Sunday will not be included in this month's meeting, Den Leaders make sure that you have entered all the achievements and that everything has been reviewed and signed off on.

ALSO, This Friday April 1st, is the last day you can sign up for the Final Family Camp ( held at Camp Soule ) for the season. You can register on line at the West Central Florida BSA website.

MARK your calendars for April 16th. The Cub Scouts will be selling Drinks at the Safety Harbor Great fruit Festival, held on Main Street in Safety Harbor  from 4:30=10:00 PM. We will be sending out a volunteer sign up sheet for your scout (and yourself) to volunteer your time. to “help The Pack Grow” this is one way our Pack has come up with to help with our Pack funding. Please Make the time if possible, to volunteer.  Thank you Peggy Keller  for helping us get this set up !!!

Our Den Graduation and Cross over ( blue and Gold) will be held on Sunday May 15th @ Philippe Park @ 2:00 pm. Please make sure that your scout has completed all their achievements for rank completion prior to this date. Please feel free to invite Family and Friends to this event. The Boys have worked hard, and this is a time to celebrate their accomplishments. We will also have a Potluck luncheon following the ceremony. I am Looking for a few volunteers to help with set up, and planning. So let me know at the next pack meeting if you are able to help. Together we can make this a Wonderful day for the Boys.

Yours in Scouting:

Bonnie Wurtz

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Meet and Greet the BSA Indy Car and Dale Coyne Racing Team

Well ... Its finally here.... SEE YOU FRIDAY @ Tyrone Square Mall! We plan on meeting there around 7PM. Please feel free to stop by earlier if you can't make our designated time. Make sure your Cub Scout wears his uniform. It’s a great way to show Pack 43 spirit !!

Scouts don't forget your autograph book and your Pinewood Derby cars!
Parents don't forget your camera and an item to donate to the homeless shelter!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Eco Expo

The Coliseum in St. Pete will be hosting the Tampa Bay Living Green expo on April 2nd and 3rd. Admission and parking is free! This is a fabulous opportunity to teach your scout about recycling! They can even take what they learn and apply it to their recycling requirement, as well as their Leave No Trace patch.

They also have some fun kid specific activities planned:
Children who come to the Kid's Korner have the opportunity to create a variety of fun make-and-take projects designed to open their eyes to ways that they can use everyday items in a different way.
They can fashion hats out of recycled newspaper, use card backs to make necklaces, make water cycle bracelets, and learn about plants that are native to Florida.
The theme of our projects is to reduce, reuse and recycle items that would be thrown away, while conserving water and striving to craft a more sustainable environment.

Check out the site for additional information:

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Pack 43 Newsletter: March

Our March Newsletter is available for viewing online or downloading here.

We have plenty of informative and entertaining articles for you this month, including a new scout-written article series, kicked off by Marcus Drennen in his entertaining missive titled 'My First Family Camp'. We also have updates on all of the dens, the monthly calendar, the story of how the Civil War came to Florida and more!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

There's still time to register for Family Camp!

There is still time to register for Family Camp at Sand Hill in March and/or Camp Soule in April! Get your reservations in fast - spaces are limited!


WHO: All registered Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, Webelos and family members. Children must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. The activities are designed to meet the abilities of the Cub Scout.

WHERE: Camp Soule is located at 2201 Soule Rd. in Clearwater between US 19 and McMullen Booth Road. Sand Hill is located on State Road 50, 2 miles east of Weeki Wachee. (large sign by the entrance).

March 19-20, 2011 at Sand Hill Scout Reservation
April 9-10, 2011 at Camp Soule

Check-in 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Saturday
Program starts at 12:00 PM
Check-out Sunday 11:00 AM

BRING: Tent, sleeping bag or blankets, suitable clothing, including rain gear, personal items, lunch for Saturday and snacks. (Alcoholic beverages are PROHIBITED.)

PROGRAM: An afternoon of fun-filled activities like Volleyball, Soccer, Kickball, Archery, BB Shooting, Flag Football, and Wrist Rockets, just to name a few that we sometimes do! Plus, a Saturday dinner, an interactive camp fire, Sunday breakfast followed by an Interfaith service and last but not least a recognitions and awards ceremony to close camp.

FEE: $13.00 per camper (maximum of $60.00 per family of five or more members)

REGISTER: This is a family activity. A parent or legally responsible guardian must accompany all Tigers/Cub Scouts/Webelos. It is not necessary to register through your Cub Scout Pack. Registration forms must be received at the council service center by the deadline noted on the reservation form. Reservations will be closed when a maximum of 400 campers is reached regardless of the cut-off date. Family Campouts are conducted regardless of the weather; the council service center will confirm any closures or problems but not registrations.

To assist us with registration, we would greatly appreciate that you bring proof of payment (ie. website payment receipt, council receipt, or cancelled check) to camp with you in the event of an oversight.

Click Here to Register!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Notes from March Pack Meeting

  • New website! Please bookmark All scouting resources are there.
  • New newsletter! Boys and den leaders please submit by the last Sunday of each month.
  • Phillipe park walk was cancelled. Will be rescheduled at moccasin lake.
  • Bears doing a skit next month's pack meeting
  • We need an advancement coordinator! 1 day a month to get pins and belt loops etc. THANK YOU MISTER MACK!!!!

Coming Events
  • Crystal River Civil War Reenactment: Meet at the church at 9am. Picnic lunch by the cars. Mar 13, 9 to 4.
  • BSA sponsoring race car. Pack is invited to go, get pics taken with driver, and even get in the car! 25th around 7pm. Wear your uniform! Bring a friend. If the friend signs up you get a recruiting badge. Back stage garage pass if you buy the 3 day pass.
  • Troop 43 dinner will be at the American Legion this Saturday.
  • Blue and gold meeting will be soon when we find a location. Meeting will be Sunday or Tuesday. To advance to next level in time for camp this summer, everyone's achievements MUST be completed and signed off before the Blue and Gold! Amazing race themed blue and gold last year covered skills they learned through the year.

The pack is growing! But that means we are running out of money :( The pack parents brainstormed for some ideas for fund raisers:
  • 3rd Friday
  • Bake sale
  • Car wash (7-11 or mobile station)
  • Crispers
  • American legion
  • Bingo night

  • Theme for the month is COMPASSION. Talked about ways the boys can show compassion to others.
  • Webelos Two did a great puppet show skit, complete with an appearance by Justin Beiber and a puppet performance of grey squirrel. They made their own puppets.
  • Scouts learned about people with disabilities by doing a Braille writing activity and a main hand / off hand writing analysis.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Boy Scouts and the Honda Grand Prix in St. Petersburg!

I would REALLY like to make this a pack event. We will talk about it @ tomorrow nights pack meeting. So check your calendar, invite your friends, and let's plan on attending!



Boy Scouts of America and Dale Coyne Racing have teamed up with the Indy Racing League for the second year running with Indy Car #19 driven by Alex Lloyd.

See the Boy Scouts Indy Show Car and meet the driver of the Boy Scout Car #19 Alex Lloyd at Tyrone Square Mall on Friday March 25th in the Dilliard’s Courtyard from 6pm to 8pm. Show up in your Scout uniform you can have your photo taken with Alex Lloyd and be entered into a drawing for special prizes. Bring a friend who is not currently in Scouting and they’ll be entered as well.

Boys in first through twelfth grades who are interested in learning more about Scouting are encouraged to stop by as well. Scouts and youth interested in Scouting will be able to race a Pinewood Derby car; bring your own car or try one of ours!

Do your Good Turn Daily by bringing a non perishable food item or toiletry item to donate to the St. Petersburg Free Clinic.

A Scout who has purchased a three day pass and attends the event in uniform will receive a Paddock pass during the event March 25th, 26th, 27th, 2011. Tickets can be purchased through the race’s website and Paddock passes will be given out at the event.

Volunteers will be needed from 9 am to 9 pm on Friday to man an information table near the car at Tyrone Square Mall. For more information please call Bruce Nichols, (727) 424-3585 or email .

Friday, March 4, 2011

Time to start thinking about Summer Camp!

Summer is fast approaching, and with it the most anticipated cub scouting event of the year - CAMP!

Scouts who attend camp will get the opportunity to meet new friend, learn more about scouting, participate in all kinds of games and sports, arts and crafts, how to safely use a bow and arrow and a BB gun, and the opportunity to earn numerous belt loops and pins.

This year's camp theme is SAFARI! Campers will be doing all kinds of safari themed activities, such as making their own fishing poles and then fishing with them, learning how to write in Egyptian heiroglyphs, and making their own African drums. There are three kinds of camps available this summer:

Day Camp 
June 6-10th at Francis Ave. Park, and June 13-17th, June 20-24th, and June 27-July 1st at Camp Soule. The fee is $85.00 per child, but if we register by April 25th it's only $70.00.

Twilight Camp 
July 5-8th at Camp Soule. The fee is $70.00 per child, but if we register by April 25th, it's only $55.00.

Webelos Sleepover Camp
July 3-6th and July 6-9th at Sand Hill Scout Reservation. The fee is $80.00

At least one Adult volunteer is required for every 5 scouts that attend day camp from our pack. Full-time volunteers are given a 50% discount for their scout(s). Please coordinate with the Cub Master if you wish to volunteer or are unable to volunteer but would like to have your scout attend a week that one of our pack's adult leaders is volunteering.

The pack needs to register together for camp, so don't delay if you would like your son(s) to attend!

Camper Application for Day Camp
Camper Application for Twilight Camp
Webelos Resident Camp Reservation Form
Annual BSA Health and Medical Record (Part A & B) (Required for ALL camps)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Civil War Reenactment

Pictures from the 2010 event

Pack 43 will be attending an exciting event in a few weeks - a reenactment of the Battle at Crystal River. This will be an exhilarating day of living history for the boys, who will get to visit a period blacksmith; watch a mortar competition, an artillery demonstration and a historical presentation; eat authentic foods (such as Indian Fry Bread) and even listen to a period string band!

More details on the event itself, along with a full agenda are available here:

All scouts attending should be in full uniform for this event. The cost is $2 per person. We will be carpooling in, so be sure to get to the meeting place on time!

We will have more details for you here as soon as they are available.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Register for Family Camp!

The next Family Camp is scheduled for March 19-20th at Sand Hill Scout Reservation. The spaces fill up fast so be sure to register soon! Here are the relevant details:

Check-in 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Saturday
Program starts at 12:00 PM
Check-out Sunday 11:00 AM

BRING: Tent, sleeping bag or blankets, suitable clothing, including rain gear, personal items, lunch for Saturday and snacks. (Alcoholic beverages are PROHIBITED.)

PROGRAM: An afternoon of fun-filled activities like Volleyball, Soccer, Kickball, Archery, BB Shooting, Flag Football, and Wrist Rockets, just to name a few that we sometimes do! Plus, a Saturday dinner, an interactive camp fire, Sunday breakfast followed by an Interfaith service and last but not least a recognitions and awards ceremony to close camp.

FEE: $13.00 per camper (maximum of $60.00 per family of five or more members)

Click here to register!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Volunteers needed for BALOO Training

Register for BALOO Training

Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO)
and Webelos Outdoor Leader Training (WOLT)

For the first time we are taking BALOO and WOLT training and putting them together for a full day of Cub Scout Outdoor Training. This course is great for any Cub Scout Leader, no matter how long or short they have been in the program. Learn the basics on how to plan and run outdoor events and campouts. Topics include event planning, wood tools, fire building and safety, cooking, knots and lashes, first aid, camping equipment selection, campfire planning, and much more. And because it is WOLT training we will also cover some topics specifics to Webelos Dens like outdoor related Activity Badges, and the Webelos-to-Scout transition.

WHEN: Saturday, March 12th, 2011 7:30am-5:30pm
WHERE: Camp Soule
COST: $15 per participant

We will contact you the Monday before with a list of what you need to bring


Click Here to Register

About BALOO Training

Ask a boy why he wants to be a Cub Scout, and nine times out of 10 he'll answer "to go camping." That's why Cub Scouting has introduced BALOO (Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation) training, so boys, along with their parents or some other adult, can participate in a successful overnight camping experience.

The BALOO training session will give your pack the tools to conduct a safe and successful overnight.

The morning BALOO sessions include the why and how of Cub Scout camping—planning, equipment, meal preparation, and campfire programs. In the afternoon, Cub Scouters rotate among four round-robin sessions—fire safety, stoves, and lanterns; first aid and sanitation; nature hikes and games; and cooking. Scattered throughout the day are plenty of the four S's: songs, stunts, stories, and showmanship.

The key point of BALOO training is "Keep It Simple." Remember, the over-night is an entry-level outdoor experience for the first-time Cub Scout camper.

*excerpted from

Monday, February 14, 2011

Welcome to Pack 43's new Website!

Welcome Pack 43! When I told my own cub scout that I was going to be creating a website for our pack, he said "Are you going to tell everyone how awesome our pack is?" So yes, this website is all about telling everyone how awesome Pack 43 is!

We've put together all the resources you need to get going in Cub Scouts, and information for all of our existing scouts and scouting parents to stay in touch. We'd love to get your feedback on the new site! Let us know what's right, what's missing, and what we could do to improve!

Pack 43 Rules!