Saturday, October 15, 2011

Pack 43 Fall Fundraiser

Pack 43 is holding a Fall fundraiser! After the popularity of the candle fundraiser earlier this year, we have decided to make this our next fundraising effort. Not only will we have the same amazingly delicious smelling candles to sell, we have increased the items we will be offering to a lot more than just candles!

We need your help to help the pack go! Send your out of state friends and family to this website so they can view the catalogue of offerings online to choose what they wish to order. Best of all, your gifts will arrive in plenty of time to include them in your holiday packages!

Click any of the images below to zoom in:





Thursday, October 13, 2011

Are you Ready for Coastal Cleanup?

Coastal Cleanup is this Saturday! This is one of the most important events of the year in terms of impact to the community and learning about things like conservation, environmentalism and preservation. Coastal Cleanup contributes to a large number of skill and achievements you can earn toward your den badge, arrow points, elective belt loops and pins, and prestigious Cub Scouting awards. It only happens once a year, so you definitely don't want to miss it! Plus it's loads of fun!!

Meet us at 8:00am at the Safety Harbor Marina

View Larger Map

Here's what you will earn simply by participating in Coastal Cleanup:

Available to ALL Scouts
Cub Scout World Conservation Award - Step 4
Leave No Trace - Step 1, 2 (partial), 4
Outdoor Activity - Step 1, 3, 5, 6, 13

Sports & Academics
Citizenship Belt Loop - Step 3
Citizenship Pin - Step 9
Wildlife Conservation Belt Loop - Step 1
Wildlife Conservation Pin - Step 8, 9
Hiking Belt Loop - Steps 1,2, 3 (All requirements!)

Tiger Cubs
Let's Go Outdoors - Step 5G
Cleanup Treasure Hunt - Step A

Wolf Den
Your Living World - Step 7b, 7d
Lets Go Camping - Step 23d

Bear Den
Take Care of Your Planet - Step 6g
Family Outdoor Adventures - Step 12b, 12d
Water and Soil Conservation - Step 15e
Let's Go Camping - Step 25b

Webelos 1&2
Family Member - Step 13
Naturalist - Step 11,12
Outdoorsman - Step 5, 6, 9

October 2011 Pack Newsletter

So much was covered in this month's Pack Meeting, that it's hard to keep track of everything! Never fear! We've taken the time to write down everything you need to know about the events coming up in the next month, the status of the pack and den, and included a special article written by one of our very own cub scouts about what he's learned from scouting.

Read All About it here!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

SCOUT STORIES: Making a Difference in Cub Scouts

 by Jonathan Allen, WEBELOS 2

These are all things I’ve learned while being in Cub scouts. You start in Cub scouts as a Tiger Cub, and then you move to being a Wolf Cub. After that, you move into the Bear den. Later you become a Webelos one and two. In Webelos one you start training to become a Boy Scout.

I have earned many badges; beginning with the Bobcat badge. My uniform displays most of my awards such as traveler, naturalist, athlete, fitness, and citizen. I am currently working on my Webelos badge as I train to become a Boy Scout.

Boy Scouts have been around for 100 years. A scout is Trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent. This is known as the Scout Law. These traits have been passed down through the years.

Scouts are known for helping the community.

Last fall I participated in Scouting For Food. My pack and I collected food from neighbors and gave them to a food pantry. This is a program that feeds people when they need help.

Scouting also has a Leave No Trace awareness campaign. This reminds everyone not to litter or leave behind any trash or trace.

I honor the phrase “to do my duty to God and my country” by learning about and respecting the American flag. I learned how to display, carry and fold the flag.  My pack also helped a local group properly retire old flags.

I love helping the community and making a difference.

I love being a part of Cub scouts, and you could join too!!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Soda Bottle Rocket Picnic

Thanks to everyone who joined us on October 1st to blast off Cub Scouting for the year! We lierally had a blast - shooting soda bottle rockets into the air. The scouts did a wonderful job designing their rockets with their own individual styles. Congratulations to Webelos 1 Matthew Walby, who won the award for the best design! We also judged the soda bottle rockets for the farthest distance shot. Little Ethan Coogan of the Tigers won it hands down with his long distance rocket launch.

The picnic potluck was also fabulous! Thanks to Mr Justin and Mr Wayne who slaved over the hot barbeque to provide us with some great meats. We also had a lot of great eats as our pack parents brought out their best recipes to share with the pack. Mmmm I am hungry again just thinking about it!