Tiger Cubs
The adventure begins with Tiger Cubs - a program of exciting indoor and outdoor activities just right for a boy who is in first grade and/or is 7 years old. You are there with him as his support and guide, but you don't do things for him. He will learn by doing things himself. And as he learns and grows, your relationship with him will grow, too.
Wolf Cubs
The Wolf Trail is for boys who have completed the first grade or are 8 years old. Your Wolf Den Leader is assisted by other Den parents and Assistant Den leader(s) known as Akela.
Many of the activities in your Wolf book can be completed at home with your family or during your Den meetings. Once you finish an activity requirement you can have Akela sign your book showing that you have successfully completed the activity. You can have several Akelas that will help you with your activities and sign your book including your parents, your Den leader, and other adult caretakers.
Bear Cubs
In the Third Grade, Cub Scouts work toward the Bear Badge. To earn the Bear Badge, a Cub Scout must complete 12 achievements out of a possible 24 that are offered in the book. The achievements are grouped in 4 major areas, GOD, COUNTRY, FAMILY, and SELF. Within each group, a required number of achievements must be completed, as indicated below. Also, any achievements that they do NOT use to earn the Bear Badge may be used to earn Arrow Points
Most achievements are primarily done at home and signed off by an adult family member after the boy has completed each one. The book is then shown to the Den Leader who records the progress and also signs the boy's book.
Webelos 1: WE'll BE LOyal Scouts
The boy becomes a Webelos Scout upon graduation from the Bear. Boys new to Cub Scouting can become Webelos if they are 10 years old or have completed third grade, and have earned the Bobcat badge.
The Webelos badge is the fifth rank in Cub Scouting (coming after Bobcat, Tiger, Wolf, and Bear.) To earn the Webelos badge you must be active in your den for at least 3 months and complete the requirements. You'll be proud to earn the Webelos rank and receive your badge at a pack meeting.
Webelos 2: WE'll BE LOyal Scouts
After the Scout earns the Webelos Badge he begins working on the highest rank in Cub Scouting, the Arrow of Light Award. Earning this rank prepares a Webelos Scout to become a Boy Scout.
One of the differences between Webelos and younger Cub Scouts is that the Webelos Den Leader signs off the completed activities of a Webelos Scout.