Wednesday, December 14, 2011

December Newsletter

Happy Holidays everyone! This month we keep everything short and sweet to make room for spending time with family and friends this holiday season. We are looking forward to our pack's holiday party this week, which is going to be a great time! To get into the mood, check out this month's pack newsletter!

Also, don't forget that we will be participating in the Safety Harbor holiday parade on Saturday. If you have extra strings of beads we can throw to the spectators, please bring them! We need everyone to show up looking their best in full uniform. We will be gathering at the Safety Harbor Marina at 12:30 pm. See you then!

Saturday, December 10, 2011


by Bonnie Wurtz, Pack 43 Cubmaster

About a week prior to the Thanksgiving Holiday, my son Aiden and I were walking in the mall. Not really wanting to be there, I was in such a rush to get what I needed from one of the shops and get out quickly.
As we were walking through the crowd of people, my son started pulling on my arm. “MOMMY LOOK !! MOMMY LOOK !!”

I didn’t want to stop and see what had caught his attention, because I was focused on one thing. (Get what I wanted and GET OUT), I never even looked up, I said… “NO Aiden,” we've got to go.

“BUT MOMMY LOOK!!”  and he again pulled on my arm.

By this time I was getting frustrated with him, because he was pulling me in the opposite direction I wanted to go.  What could be SO important?  Once again I said NO and we continued on our “mission” “But Mommy ITS HIM !”

That’s when I stopped and looked over to where he was pointing. There, in the middle of the busy mall, stood a jolly looking man dressed in a red t-shirt and khaki shorts with flip flops. Knowing my son had just mistaken him for Santa Claus, the nice man just turned and look at my son and waved.

The look in my son’s eyes at that moment will forever be in my heart.

Being the brave little man he is, Aiden went over to this gentleman (with me close behind) and started talking to him as if he was the JOLLY OLD ELF himself.

I just smiled at the nice man and thanked him for taking the time out of his busy day to make my son's day.
This “Santa” stood there for the better half of 20 minutes talking with my son, about everything from LEGOS, to asking him how he lost his tooth. And my son thought he had the ‘411’ on Santa,
As we walked away, my heart smiled. I couldn’t believe that a total stranger would take the time out of his day to talk to a little 4 Year old boy who thought he was Santa….

I walked away believing that there are kind people left in this world.

I walked away believing in people again.

I walked away believing that sometimes that the little things DO matter,if you just stop and look around.
I guess you can say I walked away BELIEVEING.

So as you’re rushing around with all the hustle and bustle of this holiday season, take a minute to look up, to see all the wonders around us, and do something nice.

Something as small as just smiling at a stranger, wishing them a happy holiday, holding a door open for someone who needs an extra hand, lend an ear to someone that just wants to talk, Drop that extra change in the Salvation Army Bell Ringer pot, or just “do a good turn daily.”

You never know how much those little things will make a difference, and you might just be surprised at the positive impact it makes on someone else.

The Holiday spirit is in all of us, if you JUST BELIEVE.