Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Den Graduation and Crossing Over Celebration

On May 15th, Pack 43 celebrated our annual Den Graduation and Crossing Over ceremony. All of our boys worked so hard this year, many of them having earned their den patch at the ceremony. The day of the ceremony was beautiful - sunny but not too hot. The boys marched up to the top of the Indian mound at Phillipe Park, where we held the ceremony. The ceremony was amazing!

Even the picnic afterward was awesome! Thanks so much to Mister Tim for the delicious barbeque, and thanks to all of the parents of Pack 43 for your incredible generosity - we had so much food!!

The pack presented Ms Bonnie with the pack flag, to honor her for all of her hard work to make the pack grow!

We have more pictures of the event for you to see (and download!) in the photo gallery! Check it out today!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Pack 43 Newsletter: May

Our May Newsletter is available for viewing online or downloading here.

This month we wish a proud farewell to our 6 Webelos 2 who are graduating to Boy Scouts, 3 of whom are going with their prestigious Arrow of Light award that they can proudly display into adulthood! Each boy wrote about what they learned from Cub Scouts, and what they will miss.

We also have Den reports, a heartfelt message from Cubmaster Bonnie, and an introduction to Geocaching, the high tech treasure hunting game! This month's newsletter is chock full of goodness. Don't miss out, click the link above to download it now!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Discover Florida!

The Safety Harbor Discover Florida event is designed to be fun and educational to our local families. This event promotes local, natural attractions. Some of the exhibitors that will be at the event are the Shark Man, Brooker Creek Nature Reserve, Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission, Pathfinders & more!  There will also be goody bags for the first 50 kids. An afternoon of lots of fun & games!  Oh, it is also FREE!

Visit the Marshall Street Park in Safety harbor on Friday, May 20 from 4 to 7pm to experience this fun event!

View the Flyer